Category: Kesaksian


Dimas 2nd Testimony

Shalom Pak Agus … I’m really very grateful, sir, for all God’s blessings on me. Honestly …. If we have to give thanks for each of his love for me in detail … Maybe a day long is not enough for me to give thanks … The most updated about the protection of God …. […]


Lucia Testimony

Dear Pastor Agus Rahardja My name is Lucia R., I am originally from Cirebon, and now living in Jakarta. I am 32 years old, my husband is 34 years old and I have a 4-year-old son and a 2.5-year-old daughter. Last August 2010 my husband was sentenced by doctors to have stage 4 pancreatic cancer […]


Dimas Testimony

For the past three years I have worked on a Cruise Ship. My ship sails around Europe and sometimes to America. My guests come from various ethnic groups and religions. I happen to work in the department F & B service as a waiter in one restaurant on board. I have many opportunities to get […]