Dimas 2nd Testimony


Shalom Pak Agus …

I’m really very grateful, sir, for all God’s blessings on me. Honestly …. If we have to give thanks for each of his love for me in detail … Maybe a day long is not enough for me to give thanks … The most updated about the protection of God …. my time take my little brother to school, on the way home the motorcycle tire leaked … Even though I did not bring a wallet. Automatically I don’t carry money. However …. God already knows. So when I touched the contents of my pants pocket … I found 5,000 rupiah … Right for patching tires. I don’t know when I ever forgot to hang up with that money. Then on the way home there was a police raid. Nah ….. I don’t have a wallet. Yes, obviously I didn’t bring my driver’s license and vehicle registration, I didn’t bring any money too … Still on the motorcycle I felt my pants pocket again. Hope all of a sudden my wallet is there. But failed … I checked again, hoping there was money to pay a fine that would be a lot. And it failed too … Finally gave up, I continued my journey toward the raid while muttering “what happened YOU want God to happen … I’m ready”. At that moment I stopped in the queue to check my completeness. Nah ….. I’m so confused … When it was my turn, I approached one of the police, but I was ignored. Just realized me. It turns out just when the raid was also finished. Hahahahaha ….. PRAISE THE LORD …. but now, even if it’s close, I always carry a wallet.

Even to that simple, the Lord takes care of me. Thank you FATHER … ^ _ ^

ORIGINAL – Indonesian

Shalom Pak Agus…

Aku sungguh sangat bersyukur Pak utuk semua berkat Tuhan padaku. Jujur…. Kalau kita harus mengucap syukur untuk setiap kasihnya padaku secara rinci dan detail… Bisa2 waktu seharian tidak cukup untuk aku mengucap syukur…. Ni… Yg paling update tentang perlindungan TUHAN…. waktu aku antar ade ke Sekolah, dalam perjalanan pulang ban motor bocor… Padahal aku tidak membawa dompet. Otomatis aku ga bawa uang. Tapiiii…. Tuhan sudah tau. Maka waktu aku raba isi kantong celana… Aku menemukan uang 5000 rupiah… Pas buat nambal ban. Ga tau tu kapan aku pernah lupa ngantongin uang itu. Lalu dalam perjalanan pulang ada razia polisi. Nah loh….. Aku ga bawa dompet. Ya jelas ga bawa SIM dan STNK, ga bawa uang juga… Masih di motor aku meraba2 saku celana lagi. Berharap tiba2 dompet aku ada di sana. Tapi gagal…. Aku raba2 lagi, berharap ada uang untuk bayar denda yang pasti banyak. Dan gagal juga…. Akhirnya lelahe meraba2, aku meneruskan perjalanan ke arah razia itu sambil bergumam “terjadilah apa yang ENGKAU kehendaki terjadi TUHAN… aku siap”. Saat itu juga aku berhenti dalam antian untuk di check kelengkapanku. Nah loh….. Sempet bingung aku… Waktu giliranku, aku mendekati salah satu polisi, tapi aku dicuekin. Baru sadar aku. Ternyata pas saat tu juga razia selesai. Hahahahaha….. PUJI TUHAAAAANNNNN…. tapi selarang kemnapun, walau dekatpun, aku selalu bawa dompet.

Bahkan sampai yang sesederhana itu, TUHAN menjagaku. Terimakasih BAPA…. ^_^